Attorney General's Department Website:

dictates their role as:

The Attorney General's Department assists the NSW Government, Judiciary, Parliament and the community to promote social harmony through programs that protect human rights and community standards, and reduce crime.

The Department plays a key role in the administration and development of a just and equitable legal system of courts, tribunals, laws and other mechanisms that further the principles of justice and conribute to the achievement of the goals of Government.

The Department assists the NSW Attorney General in his role as the First Law Officer of the State. It also provides support services to enable the Attorney's legislative and advisory responsibilities to Parliament and Cabinet to be carried out.

Their vision is:

"Justice and equality for the people of New South Wales".





Attorney General's Reponse dated 5th September 2003 to my original letter 28th July 2003

There has been further representation made and replied to stating their assessment of the situation remains the same.